Friday, June 12, 2009

Sometimes life is grand.

My five year old woke up this morning next to me and without even saying good morning proclaimed "My fairy godmother is here, I just know it! Auntie Nessa is here, mom!" And bounded out of the bedroom and into the living room to find she was right. Her eyes were huge with excitement and she danced and bounced in place in front of Auntie Nessa and started formulating plans in her head of what will be done.

They spent the morning making baby paper cranes to go with her mommy one that I stumbled through making yesterday (and kept my swearing to a minimum.) Auntie Nessa makes them with much more grace than I do. I made pancakes and smoothies and we lit the breakfast chalice and ate together.

Emily said "Mom, I want to go on a walk with just Auntie Nessa, not you, is that ok?" They just bounded down the sidewalk and out of sight as I stared and sighed. I feel so blessed to have an Auntie Nessa in our lives. To have THE Auntie Nessa in our lives. I think every parent, especially single parents need at least one friend like her. The one that knows you so well you don't have to talk but you do because it's enjoyable. Who is in sync with your parenting style to the point where they can step in when needed with no anxiety or worries. One who is so in love with your child that you can see it in her smile and eyes. And one whom your child is absolutely giddy at the mention of. Being around her makes being a parent even more enjoyable and relaxed.

I feel blessed.

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