Saturday, June 6, 2009

oh books

I want to read this book about nature deficit disorder. We talked about it briefly in my global health class the other day and it got me to thinking. What are the effects on childrens' and society's development of the continuously decreasing exposure to natural and wild lands? I think about the role that the forest played in my development and I can't even begin to fathom what I would be like or the life I would lead had I not had the incredible opportunity to explore that world. Had I not been shown that so much life exists there, the plants we eat, and the hidden magical things in the woods, like the whirlpools and natural hot springs we used to find.

It is a scary thought that children grow up AFRAID of what is found in nature because as they age that fear leads them to put effort into avoiding or getting rid of whatever they are afraid of, which is the last thing we need, really.

Let's all just go camping!

1 comment:

Humble Observer said...

my roommate is from tha burbs of chicago - tha one time ah gawt her ta help clean up our backyard, she pretty much freaked out at every creepy-crawly she came across - it was surprising how much it affected her and has pretty much discouraged her from digging anything up again. I thought it was kind of sad. Good fer you fer nawt lettin yer daughter end up that way!