Monday, June 1, 2009

I can smell the summer

Two weeks left in this term, one of which is finals so I only have to go for two days to take a test. I cannot begin to tell you how very relieved I will be when Tuesday of next week rolls around. I love my classes this term, but I am feeling a bit squashed. I am also looking forward to having all online classes for the summer.

Lately, I have been taking really poor care of myself, which is bad timing because the pollen is out in full force, which makes me want to hide inside all the days of my life. This is not conducive to having a five year old. So I am making these resolutions for summer:

1) Continue exercising at least five days a week, even though I won't have the fancy school gym to do so. I will be picking the couch to 5k program back up, and tailoring my yoga routine to counter the running, so flexibility and relaxation. I tend to through in pilates with it too because who doesn't want killer abs?

2) I am starting the detox over since I let it go during week one due to youth con. After detox I am going to try and maintain a 60% raw food diet, and no processed foods. And eat as local as possible. More rant on that one later.

3) Get those damn tomatoes planted, as well as a second round of greens and peas.

4) Get rid of at least 50% of the shit in my house. It is insanely cluttered and I am sick of it. My mother is moving out in a month or so and I figure it is the perfect time to purge myself of all the posessions wearing me down and organize what is left. With this also comes taking the coat closet and turning it into a dry goods storage so I can buy larger quantities of bulk foods.

5) Learn to can foods from Sara, and get a better food dehydrator. Preserve as much food as possible. This of course means an excuse to spend lots of time berry picking.

6) Take my daughter into the woods and camp as much as possible. Today in global health we learned about nature defecit disorder and it is terrifying. And it's an excuse to go camping without feeling so irresponsible.

1 comment:

AnnieD said...

Hey - I need to start the couch to 5k - we can egg each other on!

And I will happily take any excuse to go camping with you! Even in a backyard!
