Thursday, June 18, 2009

run run as fast as you can...

I had an awesome run today. I am impressed by how much I ENJOY this. It's a pleasant side effect I guess. I was thrilled when I noticed today during my run that I wasn't as out of breath as usual and that I had made it farther than I usually do. What is even more exciting to me is that I still haven't even progressed out of the week one runs in the program due to interruptions in my schedule, and I already feel these things. I breath better and I have more energy. And my chicken legs feel stronger!

I have recently changed my route and its a lovely change. I no longer run along the busy road, but along a farm road with lovely trees and fewer cars meaning less exhaust which makes for happier asthmatic lungs.

On the schedule for the rest of the day? Finish making freezer jam, today it's strawberry blueberry. Do some laundry, and clean the kitchen. And read on my little porch in the sun. Emily just switched to a full week home and a full week at her dad's and while it kills me to be away from her for so long, I will admit it is quite nice to have the house to myself for so long.

P.S. I am eating toast with sunflower butter and homemade strawberry jam. My jam is bitchin.

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