It's pretty cute to watch her bounce and dance to Bob in her nightgown and wild curly hair. This morning we are celebrating the beginning of our summer. Yesterday was my last final of spring term and her last day at her pre-k and the start of the summer of unplanned exploration with semi-planned camping trips, beach trips and road trips that allow ample time of unstructured discovery time in wild and magical places. And ya know, spring cleaning. Today we are getting rid of books and clothes, and yes, I bribed my child with the incentive of being able to keep the money from her stuff that the resale stores give us for it, whats so wrong with that?
If your a pancake fan, you have to try these (pulled from this vegan website that is awesome)...
Pancakes (Version 3)
Breakfast - Pancakes -
- 2 cups unbleached plain organic flour
- 1/2 cup sucanat or brown sugar
- 1 T baking powder
- 1 t salt
- 1-2 t cinnamon
- 2 cups soymilk
- 2/3 stick soy margarine, melted and cooled a bit
- 1 T vanilla extract
- Opt: blueberries
Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl, and the liquid ones in a smaller bowl. Add the liquid to the dry, blending with a whisk (but not too much, or you'll activate the gluten in the flour. That's a secret). Now stir in the blueberries.
Cook them over medium-low heat (adjusting as neccessary), using the butter to grease the pan lightly for each cake if you aren't using a non-stick pan. Serve with *Vermont* maple syrup.
I use real butter because I feel like it, but earth balance works out well too. It makes about 10-12 small pancakes. We like them with fresh strawberries and syrup on top.
even though she's a lot bigger than when I last saw her, I can almost picture this, sounds like when I was out there and we made pancakes with banana and blueberry (I think, it was a long time ago).
camping trips are amazing.
you coming to GA? I know at first it was a yes, then a no, then a maybe or something like that...?
GA is fer jerks.
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