Saturday, June 6, 2009

so I may have overdone it a little bit...

Yesterday was to be my day of rest, and restorative yoga. Oops. There was a fitness seminar at school that I had been planning on attending all term. When I started this whole couch to 5k thing I didn't time it all that right because it was the day after my first run in which my leg muscles were reminding me how comfortable they had become in a more sedentary lifestyle. In other words, they were incredibly fatigued and slightly sore. But I really wanted to go to this fitness seminar. They are great because they are free and are led my fitness pro's that I would usually have to pay money I am not willing to part with in order to benefit from their services. Thanks to student fees, I don't even realize I am paying them anyhow. This one was on warming up properly before working out, running, etc. The title was "A nice warm and toasty warm up with Anna". In my head I am picturing easy little stretches that will get me ready to go. Oh boy was I wrong. I guess stretching is the wrong way to warm up according to the latest fitness research because when you stretch you don't get as much power in your exercise or something like that. The most effective way to warm up is to actually WORK the muscles you will be using so they are warmed up and ready to go. Makes sense. It's like trying to get your hand to ball up into a fist first thing in the morning. It doesn't work. After you wake up a bit it does. Anyhow.

This seminar KICKED MY ASS! It was an hour of lunges and other "cored muscles activated" moves. By the end, my already upset thighs were shaking. My legs were noodley and I felt like I was going to fall over. Thats not to say it wasn't fun though, because it was awesome. And now I know stuff that I didn't before, which is also awesome. What it does mean is that today, my legs down right hurt. And are stiff. I was SUPPOSED to go for run #2 today, but I can barely walk across the house let alone work up to a light jog. So it is postponed until tomorrow. Which is ok because I have a ton of homework and studying to do. Both of my finals are at the beginning of the week next week, which is nice because I am done sooner, but also gives me less time to prep. I need to remind myself that the end of the term is the worst time to slack off.

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