Saturday, March 14, 2009

Note to self...

Don't make changes to your diet right before you sponsor a youth overnight at church. This way you don't feel so bad when you shatter for goals so soon after starting. Last night for dinner I had steamed green beans and baked polenta with marinara sauce over it, and an apple. But then I got to church and it was nothing but chips, pop tarts and soda. Blarg. For breakfast I cooked everyone pancakes and scrambled eggs with the help of some awesome youth. And had grapes and an orange. Lunch, well, I am so exhausted that it is 4pm now and I am force feeding myself before I fall asleep. But I am having yogurt with granola and raw green beans. Then....nap time.

Tomorrow, I will be starting my garden! yay! I don't know that I will be repotting the starts I plan on buying as the weather right now is bipolar. Yesterday it was gorgeous flip flop weather and today it is snowing. So, I may wait a few weeks, but I will be getting the pots ready, collecting rocks for the bottom of them, maybe purchasing more planters, and starts! There are some delicious looking broccoli starts at the Down to Earth right now that I am going to acquire. I have seeds for peas, chard, beans, tomotoes and carrots. The tomatoes will have to wait, but I am going to try and get seeds planted and keep them inside for a few weeks until the weather is better. We shall see.

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