Today I became a composter. I am giddy with excitement about this. The fancy plastic bucket you see to the right is the Happy Farmer Kitchen Composter, and I am rather fond of this find. It fits under my kitchen sink and isn't supposed to smell at all. The cool thing? You may have noticed the spigot, which is to dispense my very own homemade COMPOST TEA! Which, in addition to being super awesome when added to plants diluted, I also just found out you can pour compost tea undiluted directly down the drain to prevent slimy build-up. Which in Oregon, or this part of Oregon at least, happens a lot. It comes with this microbe powder stuff that helps decompose the compost super fast (lending to the no smell part). When the bucket gets full, I can then bury the contents in a planter with soil, wait two weeks and I have awesome fertile planters ready for my vegetable starts which will be ready for planting in a month or two. Woot! Potted garden. I am really excited to grow some vegetables this year as I have adjusted to the special needs of potted vegtables (ie: more attention) and Em has taken an interest as well.
Also today, I joined the local organic co-op, which has existed for over 35 years now. How have I lived here almost 15 years and not known about it? I have been craving a co-op ever since leaving Corvallis, and lo and behold, there has been one here all along. It's cute and little and they are so family friendly it is ridiculous. They encourage parents to bring their children in when they work. And holy heck it is so much cheaper. Dollars cheaper on items I buy all the damn time. I am so looking forward to the weekly organic food this will bring into my home. I have also started looking into CSA's for this summer. The season doesn't start until June for most farms this year, whereas last year it was April. A little more evidence that global warming is affecting us more than some would care to admit if you ask me...
Yay for doing good things for the environment...
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