Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reasons my kid is awesome #547 and #892

#547: Today we were walking across campus and Emily said "Mom, do you remember that time we were walking down here and Ben jumped out of the bushes and scared me? I think he was playing psychic!"

#892: Emily is in the bath tub, picking her teeth vie her reflection in that circular metal knob thing (what are those for anyway?).

Em: Mom, where do babies come from?
Me: They come out of their mommy's vagina.
Em: But where before that?
Me: They live in their mommy's uterus until they have grown enough to come out.
Em: But how do they get there?
Me: They get there when a man and a woman have sex.
Em: What's sex?
Me: *deep breathe* Sexual intercourse is where a man sticks his penis in a womans vagina. Sometimes, it results in the woman becoming pregnant.
Em: *blank astonished look and long silence* *glance at her own vagina* *confused look back at me* I bet he forgot.
Me: What?
Em: The man, I bet he forgot about putting his penis in her 'gina!

Then she calmly returned to picking her teeth.

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