Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emily Tells a Story:The Girl in the Sunshine

The little girl in the sunshine.
The little girl went to the sun. She saw a beautiful flower! Aaand. She couldn't believe her very own eye! She saw a hill of butterflies, flowers shaped like butterflies, and they were actually butterflies! She saw pens and two ballerinas. And her name was Rosie Antella. And she, her other friend, her last name was I and her first very name was Olla. And she had a cousin name AUNTIE NESSA! She didn't have wings but she was a fairy godmother. And this little fishy swam by and she saw this beau-tee-full ring and a little tiny monkey that said "oooh oooh, ah ah, I'm the fairy godmother, I'm the fairy godmother!"

AND. She saw a little green, BIG BIG thing. And it was her daddy. Her daddy was named Jordan. And a little girl said "Oh!" Her name was Sami. And she saw a purple pillow in the chair and keys on a cottage door. She turned it and undid the door knob and saw three lovely bowls of bacon and soup. She tried the very big one. "OOOoh, too hot!" She tried the bacon "Oooh too cold." SO she tried the mommy's soup and it tasted like monkey's butt. And she tried the Momma's bacon and she said "Oooh, too corny." And she tried the baby's soup "Oh, just right!" And so was the bacon so she ate it all up.

Then the three lovely rainbows came back. And the Papa rainbow said "Someone has been trying my soup with bacon!" And the Momma said "Oooh, someone has been tasting my bacon and my soup". And the baby said "Well, someone ate up all my soup and my bacon. And my cupcake that had a dog shaped like Tonee. My very lovely dog." And she said "Oh! Oh! Oh!"

And the end.
Emily and mom

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