Friday, August 7, 2009

I am gonna preface this with the disclaimer that I absolutely without a doubt believe that angels and spirit beings exist and visit us all the time. Why you may ask? Because of experiences like the one below.

Ever played scattergories? That game with the annoying buzzer that goes "tick tick tick tick" incessantly and makes you lose all words that were in your brain a moment ago? Yeah. I have never ever used that damn timer. But, I did take the game to a recent event and for some reason, instead of putting it away I stuck it on my bedroom floor.

Last night I am laying in my bed trying to fall asleep and I hear it go "tick tick". Strange, I think. That's never happened before. "Tick" Hmmm, there it is again. "Tick tick tick tick" So then I sit up and it stops. "Is someone there" "tick tick tick tick" I lay back down. "tick tick" Who is it? "tick" I wonder if it's Grandma Emily? "tick" *whoooosh* *intense heat penetrating the right side of my head* Awesome, I wonder if she is trying to tell me something. "tick tick tick tick tick"

She has never done this before. I used to have dream conversations with her for years before Emily was born but haven't heard from her since, until last night. There were several times where I was almost asleep and the "tick tick tick tick" would happen. Everytime I would sit up, it would stop. Sometimes it was only a tick or two, sometimes longer. One time, it did the whole three minute she-bang complete with faster ticks and a gong at the end. I'd like to think this was her sense of humor because at the time I was trying to think "what is she trying to say?" Then, my daughter Emily mumbles in her sleep something I don't understand. Then she giggles. Then she says clear as day "I'm Emily too!" And flails her arms up in the air. Then she sighs contededly, smiles, and drifts into a quiet sleep.

See, now family visists like this, I can totally handle.

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