Saturday, July 25, 2009

this moment right here...

"In crisis, you are somehow enabled to get in touch with sources of life deep inside yourself-sources you never knew were there. And then mysteriously, like the blades of grass, you begin to know how to grow." (Bill Cane in his book Through Crisis to Freedom).

The last few years of life have brought me an incredible amount of experience. I have felt a deeper pain, a higher happiness, a stronger desperation, and a more vast sense of joy than I ever thought possible. I read this quote this evening in a book for one of my classes and felt it's truth. I wish I had had this taped to my bathroom mirror during past times when even taking the next breath seemed like work. I want to be able to look back on my life and know that I didn't take it for granted. To be able to see the moments in which something larger than myself cradled me in my moments of weakness, or served as inspiration to move me into the next adventure. I want to be able to reflect on what it has all taught me, no matter how hard it all was. I don't want to miss anything. I just want to live.

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