Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks, and the three bears. The three bears went on a walk and to let their oatmeal cool off. And then, an then when she Goldilocks came, she said "this soup is too hot!" and she tried the other one and it was too cold, and she tried the other one, and when she got to the perfect one she ate it all up! Then she went to the room to watch TV. She watched TV and she got tired and she went in the beds and she said "this beds too HARD" and she tried the other bed "This beds tooooo soft" and the other one was just right. And she saw the three bears coming home and said, the poppa one said "Someones been eating my oatmeal" and the momma said "Someones been eatin my oatmeal" and the baby said "Someones been eatin my oatmeal and she ate it allllll up." And Goldilocks heard talking and she tried, she jumped out of the window, and runned home, and she said "I'll never come back to this house ever again!"
The bears saw her running out of the window and yelled "Wait! We're nice bears!" So she came back, and they all had a dance party with marshmallows and graham crackers and chocolate, they had s'mores, and lemonade, and pudding. Chocolate pudding!
And that is the end.
*as told verbatim by the divine Miss Emily Rabbit.
1 comment:
Couldn't resist commenting on how freakin' adorable Em is!!!
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