Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rocking my spirit

"I am challenging you guys spiritually to BE THE CHANGE! To look the pain in the eyes and reflect the solutions WITHIN your life..."

I am taking a class from one of the most passionate teachers I have ever encountered and it is changing my life. Truly.

I knew when registering for this class (Global Health) that I would be looking at a lot at privilege and oppression, health issues, and sustainability. I didn't expect the amount of passion it is all evoking within me. Not a day in that class has gone by where I haven't cried at least a little, and walked out angry at the dominant paradigm, and frustrated with myself for feeling so helpless against it all.

The last few weeks we have been talking about food. Where it comes from, what is in it, and how awful agri-business is and the damage it leaves in its wake. Did you know that Monsanto owns rights to something like over 90% of the seed used to grow crops in North America? It may even be the world, I am not sure. And if their seed cross pollinates with a near-by crop they can sue that farmer for using something they didn't pay for? Hello!? That happens naturally! That is just how it works. It is ridiculous that anyone could OWN that process essentially. It means that eventually they will OWN the food supply, control the food supply, and therefore have all the power. This is scary to me. Not only that, but in addition to owning the rights to the seeds, they are using genetically modified seeds. And I know that some people think this is a miracle of science, and yes, it's amazing we can do this, but why on earth would we want to? Creating seeds that are pesticide resistant lead to pesticide resistant weeds, which was why you wanted pesticide resistant plants in the first place, to kill the weeds faster, right? And in areas this is used they are seeing astounding problems with pests that were HARMLESS before they fucked with the natural balance of nature. Also, why on EARTH would anyone in their right mind think that it is safe to create a TERMINATOR gene for seeds so they don't germinate, and instead die? I know, I know, so that the companies can make more money. But think about it...cross pollination just happens like the air we breathe. When the wind blows, when bees do their things, and when humans and animals move throughout the world. It is just a fact of life. What happens when said terminator gene reaches our trees? All our plants? THEY DIE! And then, so do we.

Another reason to eat organic I suppose. I could go on about the other awful stuff companies like Monsanto do, like taking land from indiginous people and monocropping, which then kills the soil, and then deserting their mess, all the while displacing thousands of people in third world countries, paying them crap and driving their countries deeper into poverty. I am sure I will at some point....

I guess the point of this rant at the beginning was to say that I am making some big changes in life right now and I am excited to see where it takes me.

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