Friday, May 1, 2009

Inch by Inch...

Today the college was closed so I took advantage of the excuse not to do school work and took my lovely daughter to the grassroots garden here in town. I am in love with this garden. Let me tell you why. You can just show up and they give you something to do, cook you lunch, and teach you a whole bunch of nifty stuff. (I learned how a cob stove works the other day!) And they supply a metric shit ton of organic produce to the local food bank who then distributes it to those in need. The lady who runs it, Marry, is wonderful too. She was so delightful and not condescending to Em, which is refreshing. (What, you mean children don't have to be talked to like idiots for them to understand what you're saying? CONCEPT!)

Today we got to shovel manure into wheel barrows and then spread it around some garlic beds. As exciting as this sounds, my little darling was done with this in about 2.5 seconds. She then proceeded to tell me all about how lady bugs are good for gardens because they eat aphids. And that even though manure was really cow poop, it was good for plants, just like the worms because they poop too.

I love that my child knows these things. And I love that she has a connection with how our food becomes what it is and how we get it.

I am feeling blessed.

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