I have been on this high-productivity binge lately that I am really kind of loving. I wonder how long this will last? I know I am not the only one because one of said great people mentioned above, Lizzy, mentioned it in her blog today too. (By the way, she is made of awesome.) It feels pretty bad ass, but maybe that is just because I was really done with feeling like I did for days on end was sit? Don't get me wrong, embracing my inner sloth was a wonderful, informative experience, and I really perfected my gluten free oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe, but it's nice to know that circulation still works once I remove myself from the butt groove I have created in front of the computer and on the couch.
My energy levels have always come in little spurts, but lately it is just like a productivity God spewed some life into me or something. I think a lot of it has to do with putting so much focus on m health lately, and really focusing on what I am putting into my body. Eliminating gluten and drastically reducing my sugar intake has made me feel so amazing, but I didn't realize just how great until I threw it all out the window this weekend and ate all the crap I have been avoiding, practically in one sitting. Talk about feeling like a slug! And my skin broke out. I have always been a pretty healthy eater. Or, I have been ever since becoming a mom, but there is something different about it this time, and I think it is because I am really invested in feeling better about my life, versus trying to be a good model so that someone else doesn't feel like I do, or treat themselves the way I have. Not that positive role modeling isn't a good thing, it really REALLY is, but it just feels different when it is coming from this place. As soon as I got all that junk out of my system and ate a really awesome and wholesome meal, I felt better and my energy levels were right back up where they had been the previous days. Anyhow, we all benefit from it because I feel better, so I am more pleasant to be around and everyone else is happier too.
Today two friends of mine who live in New York came to visit and I must say that watching someone I have known for like 15 years meet my kid for the first time is just about the cutest. Nothing boosts a momma's pride like being able to show off how awesome her child is. But it is interesting to me that lately, so many people from my past have come back into my life in one way for another. And not those "oh-my-gawd, how on earth did they find me?" people, but the "oh! i am so happy you called because I was pretty sure I would never talk to you ever again!" people. I'd like to think that it is a sign of some sort, or a reward for being so intentional about life lately. But maybe it is just coincidence triggered by the alignment of awesome and nostalgia? (I know that statement made no sense, sorry.) Whatever it is, I am pretty happy with life lately.
And. I have new hair.
Now that's a cute pic. :P
aaaammmbbbeer. no, you are awesome.
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