Thursday, February 26, 2009

row by row...

Emily has started a list of things to grow in the garden this year. Her favorite, as always, being peas. And while she doesn't really like them, she REALLY wants to grow tomatoes. I am a fan of swiss chard because it is easy to grow and not too tempramental. Aside from those three, Emily has decided on a 'salsa garden' in which we grow all ingredients necessary for salsa.

This year I am adding a worm bin or composter on the back porch. I found details online how to make your own worm bin and I am tempted to see where this gets me. However I feel like the composters made my someone other than myself might reduce the scent of it all? The other addition is going to be flowers on the front porch. I am getting tired of the gray cement that greets you when you approach my front door.

Every year this place feels more and more like home.

It is also almost time to order butterflies. I know that this may be inhumane. But Emily loves having them. You know the kind you order as caterpillars and watch them make coccoons and turn into butterflies? She has this little butterfly hutch for them, but I don't like to keep them until they die, so we wait until it is warm enough to release them.

It is getting to be my favorite time of year. Things grow, I can hang out with the windows and doors open and let the breeze freshen my home, and being outdoors doesn't require so many layers. It's coming, I can smell it.

1 comment:

Justine Urbikas said...

I, too, am super excited for spring.

I would recommend buying a compost bin... they are insanely expensive for what they are, but I used to have an indoor one that didn't smell at all unless you were opening it to put more stuff in there.

also, if you have it outside... in the summer... that is going to stink up about a mile radius unless its super fancy.