Wednesday, June 2, 2010

hurdles of awesome

I am my largest obstacle.

Seriously. I am. My fear of my past becomes fear of my present and anxiety over my future. I create scenarios in my head that just make those walls I build around myself even higher. I have spent a lot of time that last two weeks examining these bits of myself, as I got to the point where I completely unmotivated myself into paralyzation. Ugh. What an awful feeling. I know that part of it came from dealing with residual stress from the sentencing hearing, but I was using that as an excuse. I quit doing all school work and prepping my business for the opening this month. The wonderful person that recently came into my life suddenly scared to hell out of me and I started pushing away and pretending that I didn't care as much as I thought I did.

Until I had this perfect moment of clarity. I was laying in the park, staring up at the trees, and I suddenly just KNEW how awesome my life could be if I would just let all that anxiety go. So I started to. I would like to say "SO I DID!" but its a process that is longer and more involved than that.

I am ready for what is coming my way! I open for business this month! I am enjoying the people in my life! I am acknowledging my fear but not making decisions based on it. BRING IT!

Oh! And visit my website!

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