Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seeing and not being able to reach.

So I have been complaining online and off for more than just a few months now that I feel a little lost as far as my education goes. I have an interest in the health/medical field, but nursing won't cut it. I wanted more of an integrative approach to health and wellness, I want to help people live healthier and more fulfilling lives in a way that encompasses many kinds of health, not just physical. My problem has been that I never really knew of a way to do this without being in school for about 11 different bachelor degrees for the rest of my freaking life.

Enter fate via my friend Nancy and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. OMG, it's perfect. It encompasses all of the above. They do distance learning. They help you find clients to work with while you are still in school. It is the most logical first step for me. Except that whole financial bit. This program is only $4500, which is cheaper than most by far. And if I can pay in a lump sum, it's only $4100.

I want to do this like woah. Do I just jump and trust that I will find a means to pay as I go? I have been living off of financial aid long enough to not have any of that monetary cushion underneath me. Paying rent is a bit of a priority. And finding a job is no walk in the part here. But I am going to try. And I am looking for/exploring other avenues to find the money (odd jobs, promies of work/goods in exchange for donations, fundraising, sugar daddies/mommas, etc. Ideas/suggestions welcome). The program starts in February, so ya know, oodles of time to figure it out. Like...10 days. Oy. I have about a third of what I need. So, it's a start. And I actually have a few potential freelance jobs so that is encouraging. I want to just go for it and hope it all works out, but that feels so...irresponsible.

It won't be the end of the world if I have to wait until next February. Frustrating? Yes, but manageable. I am ready though, to start doing more than just school. Seeing where I want to go is exciting to me, having an avenue to pursue. Now, I just have to overcome the challenge of monetarily getting there. I think I am up to it though.

In the meantime, I am taking a class from Nancy to experience more of what she does and what she got from going to school there. You all should check out her website.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yes, just go with your intuition - you seem an able soul and that if you are moving in the right direction, as you seem to be doing (like with Nancy coming to you when you needed direction and inspiration), then the pieces come together - opportunities greet you! Lay it all out there, you can.