Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Canine Awesomeness

So we have this dog. And at first, he was more for my daughter, but I have to admit I have quite fallen for the little bugger. And, apparently, he is smart.

So, at my house, there isn't much privacy, and usually when it is just my daughter and I, the bathroom door never gets shut. (I know, I know, too much information for some of you, but whatever.) But having this little dog stare at you while you pee is a little unnerving. So for the first few months he was with us, I would shoo him out of the bathroom and he would slink out with a sad look on his face. (And yes, I am quite aware the easy thing to do would be to just shut the damn door.)

But now?

He still follows me on my heels to the bathroom, but he will stop at the doorway, turn his back to the bathroom and politely wait.

1 comment:

Justine Urbikas said...

that is hilarious.

my dog mostly leaves me alone when I'm in the bathroom, but she'll stick her nose in just to say hi, and then leave, or lay down outside (tiny bathroom). Living alone I'm predisposed to not shut the door, but the real problem is the cat.

the cat. omg. she has actually jumped into my lap while I'm... ya know. and if I close the door... she sticks her paws under the door and attacks my feet. (old apartment, there is a giant crack and she can fit both her arms all the way in) AND the toilet is right next to the door.

there is no winning with pets.